buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Maybe? - Embrace Uncertainty style.css header class hero div class container h1 Maybe? p Sometimes not knowing is exactly where you need to be main section class decision-maker h2 Decision Helper div class magic-8-ball div class ball div class answer span Ask me anything... div class input-area input type text id question placeholder Type your question... button id askButton Ask section class features div class feature-card h3 Embrace Uncertainty p It's okay not to have all the answers div class feature-card h3 Find Clarity p Let randomness guide your way div class feature-card h3 Make Decisions p Sometimes any decision is better than no decision section class wisdom blockquote The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing cite - Socrates footer div class footer-content p Made with uncertainty nav a Home href / a About href /about a Contact href /contact script.js